Imperial German Seitengewehr 98/05 “Butcher” Bayonet, designed for the commonly used Mauser Gewehr 1898 rifle used by the German Army during the Great War. Made as a replacement to the original M1898 bayonet, which had a high likelihood of snapping, has a tapered, single-fullered, single-edged blade with grooved, walnut slab grips held in place by two bolts, secured onto the rifle with a release catch.
This model is an unmodified early, older model (Alter Art) with “high ears” that are commonly ground off, no flash guard, and a steel-mounted leather scabbard—marked on the ricasso “SIMSON CO., SUHL” and on the spine “(Imperial Crown) W, 15 (1915)” and inspector mark below. Similar markings can be found on the pommel above the locking catch.
Overall condition: Good. The exterior of the bayonet is fairly good with little to no pitting. The blade is in good condition for the most part, with a few dents on the spine and edge as well as an unsightly gauge halfway up the blade. The scabbard and frog are acceptable, however, the leather has shrunk and is distorted, meaning the bayonet doesn’t go all the way in and some of the stitching has burst. The stud hole in the frog is also stretched.